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Versión: 1.4


Syntax highlighting

:TSInstall typescript
:TSInstall tsx

Supported language servers

  • angularls
  • cssmodules_ls
  • denols
  • ember
  • eslint
  • glint
  • rome
  • stylelint_lsp
  • tailwindcss
  • tsserver

Only tsserver and tailwindcss is enabled by default and the other servers need to be manually configured.

TypeScript standalone server (tsserver)

tsserver requires one of the following files/folders : package.json, tsconfig.json, jsconfig.json or .git. in the root directory of the project

See nvim-lspconfig for more information about the tsserver language server configuration options.

Supported formatters

  • deno_fmt
  • dprint
  • eslint
  • eslint_d
  • prettier
  • prettier_d_slim
  • prettierd
  • rome
  • rustywind

The configured formatter(s) must be installed separately.

Supported linters

  • eslint
  • eslint_d
  • semgrep
  • tsc
  • xo

The configured linter(s) must be installed separately.