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Versión: 1.4

Under the Hood

Logic from start to window load

LunarVim initialization flowchart

The above chart was made with the following markdown using mermaid markdown Last updated Wed Aug 4 10:04:27 PM CEST 2021

graph TD
rtp[Set runtime path] --> config_check[Ensure user config exists]
config_check -- lv-config.lua --> print_rename_message["Print a message asking user to rename file"]
config_check -- config.lua --> load_defaults[Load default_config]
print_rename_message --> load_defaults
load_defaults --> load_lvim[Load lvim globals: builtin, lsp, diagnostics, misc]
load_lvim --> load_lsp[Load lsp file]
load_lsp --> load_common_on_attach( Load common_on_attach for use in lang configuration )
load_common_on_attach --> load_common_capabilities( Load common_capabilities for use in lang configuration)
load_common_capabilities --> load_common_on_init( Set common_on_init for use in lang configuration )
load_common_on_init --> load_json[Load Json schemas]
load_json --> load_lang[Load lvim globals: lang]
load_lang --> load_keymappings[Load Keymappings data but don't set Keymappings]
load_keymappings --> load_builtin_configs[Load configuration for builtin plugins]
load_builtin_configs --> load_autocommands[Load autocommands but don't set them]
load_autocommands --> set_default_options( Set the default options for the neovim editor )
set_default_options --> load_user_config[Load user configuration file]
load_user_config -- status ok --> set_nvim_settings[Set neovim settings]
load_user_config -- status fail --> print_user_config_error["Print something is wrong with your config"]
print_user_config_error --> set_nvim_settings
set_nvim_settings --> define_autogroups[Define autogroups]
define_autogroups --> setup_plugins[Setup Plugins]
setup_plugins --> plugin_callback_check["Is there a callback set for lvim.builtin.<plugin>?"]
plugin_callback_check -- Yes --> plugin_callback["Call the callback for the plugin"]
plugin_callback_check -- No --> colorscheme[Set the colorscheme]
plugin_callback --> colorscheme
colorscheme --> autoformat[Is format on save enabled?]
autoformat -- yes --> autoformat_active[Set an autocommand to enable autoformatting]
autoformat -- no --> autoformat_disabled[Look for an autoformat autocommand and remove it if it exists]
autoformat_active --> core_commands[Load core.commands: QuickFixToggle]
autoformat_disabled --> core_commands
core_commands --> lsp_handlers["Set up lsp handlers: publishDiagnostics, hover, signatureHelp"]
lsp_handlers --> null-ls["Add null-ls as a language server in lspconfig"]
null-ls --> nlsp["Set up NlspSettings"]
nlsp --> set_keymappings["Apply default keymappings"]
set_keymappings --> override_keymaps["Append to default keymappings"]
override_keymaps --> setup_common_on_init["Setup common_on_init"]
setup_common_on_init --> common_on_init_callback_check["Does a common on init callback exist?"]
common_on_init_callback_check -- Yes --> common_on_init_callback["Call the callback"]
common_on_init_callback_check -- No --> check_for_formatters["Check if formatters are explicitly set"]
common_on_init_callback --> check_for_formatters
check_for_formatters -- Yes --> turn_off_lsp_formatting["Turn off resolved_capabilities.document_formatting"]
turn_off_lsp_formatting --> setup_common_on_attach["Setup common on attach"]
setup_common_on_attach -- Has an lsp.on_attach_callback --> call_lsp_on_attach_callback["Call lsp on_attach callback"]
check_for_formatters -- No --> setup_common_on_attach
setup_common_on_attach -- No callback defined --> smart_cwd_check["Is lvim.lsp.smart_cwd set to true?"]
smart_cwd_check -- True --> query_lsp_for_cwd["Use root directory from LSP"]
smart_cwd_check -- False --> setup_null_ls["Setup null-ls formatters and linters"]
setup_null_ls --> validate_provider_request["Does a valid provider exist?"]
query_lsp_for_cwd --> setup_null_ls
call_lsp_on_attach_callback --> smart_cwd_check
validate_provider_request -- nil or empty provider --> lsp_setup["Setup LSP"]
validate_provider_request -- Executable exists --> is_provider_eslint["Is provider eslint?"]
is_provider_eslint -- Yes --> replace_with_eslintd["Replace it with eslint_d"]
replace_with_eslintd --> add_provider_to_table["Add it to the provider to a table"]
is_provider_eslint -- No --> add_provider_to_table
validate_provider_request -- Executable does not exist --> print_provider_error["Print error about not being able to find formatting executable"]
add_provider_to_table --> lsp_setup
print_provider_error --> lsp_setup
lsp_setup --> lsp_override_check["Is there an lvim.lsp.automatic_configuration.skipped_servers set?"]
lsp_override_check -- Yes --> lsp_override["Use the override table"]
lsp_override_check -- No --> first_window_load["First window loads"]
lsp_override --> first_window_load